CareMeds eMAR

by CareMeds -eMAR Software for Care and Nursing Homes



CareMeds eMAR is an electronic Medication Administration Record System designed for use on most Android devices with 5" screens and upwards. It requires Android 5.1 or later.The app links directly via the api within the CareMeds Pharma System used by Pharmacies who specialise in services to; CarehomesResidential HomesNursing HomesHomecare providers. This app is of no use to you unless you are already a customer of CareMeds.CareMeds eMAR provides instant access to residents medications for providers to record administration outcomes in real time.Features Include:Residents with Colour Photos, Sensitivities and AllergiesDrug Stock ManagementDrug Round Administration for the dayColour Photos of Tablets and Capsules Supplied with Mandatory WarningsAdministration Error Prevention Warnings prior to giving medsResidents Measurements for BS, BMI, BP, Pulse, Weight, Height etcFull Archive of historical medication admins by cycle datesLive Print Out of MARS as back up via web portal to CareMedsCareMeds Pharma is currently available in the UK, France, Ireland, Malta, and Gibraltar so any care providers looking for eMAR in those territories please get in touch at